Today I opened my ballot envelope from the 4C's, and, as usual, recognized only two people out of the many candidates for the various offices. And I'd like to know more. In fact, I'd like to know a lot more about who these folks are and why they are running for office--what do they bring to the position that makes them worth my vote? In past years, I'd either forgot to vote or used the time-honored eenie-meenie-miney-moe method, largely because I didn't feel like I knew anybody well enough to vote intentionally for them or have the time to track them down for a discussion.
However. . . .blogging, because it affords give and take, seems like a great platform (no pun) for allowing potential office-holders to speak with their constituency, rather than via a printed position paper or a shortened c.v.
So what I'd like to propose is this: CCE will invite any of the 4C'S candidates to write a guest post here, discussing their goals relative to our organization. CCE readers are likewise encouraged to read, comment on, and link to the discussion.
It's a win-win situation. What do you all think?
You actually vote? I never know who those people are... Your idea is a GREAT!!!!
Posted by: Beth Ritter-Guth | August 18, 2006 at 08:40 AM
It's a great idea! I hate not knowing enough to make a decision.
Posted by: Nancy McKeand | August 20, 2006 at 06:46 PM
an excellent idea. By the way, perhaps this blog will encourage community college folks to become actively involved in CCCC and NCTE (TYCA). I can't tell you how many meetings that I have been to at CCCC in which community college faculty are sought out as candidates for positions in the profession but with little result. Let's all step up, shall we?
Howard Tinberg
Posted by: Howard Tinberg | August 20, 2006 at 07:14 PM
Thank you all--Howard, I would love to "step up," but I've been searching the NCTE website (logged in)for email addresses of the current elected officials as well as those in the running. Maybe it's my bifocals,but I don't see any email links to anyone. Any help would be much appreciated.
Posted by: joanna | August 20, 2006 at 08:00 PM
Hey all,
I can get you straight to the TYCA nominating chair - that would be me. We'll be meeting in November at the Nashville meeting, and of course there will be a table up at the conference for people do drop by and give nominations. You can also e-mail me at my work address
[email protected]
We'll be taking nominations for the incoming associate chair of national TYCA. The position is four years - 1 as associate chair, 2 as chair, and one as past chair.
We also need people who will serve with NCTE and CCCs. There is information on the Cs elected positions at this web site:
You can also contact Kristen McGowan, who is the administrative liaison for CCC at headquarters - or, the mother ship as I like to call it :-). She will forward your nominations and questions and suggestions directly to the Cs elected officers and to the nominating committee chair. You can reach her at [email protected]
The webpage with all the info on the NCTE elections is:
Let me know if I can help track more info down.
Posted by: smitchler | August 24, 2006 at 05:42 PM
Sharon, thanks much for the links. I've been skimming the one on NCTE rules and will read the others in the coming days. Jay Wootten has been sending me information as well, and I hope to write something in the coming week.
Posted by: joanna | August 26, 2006 at 01:32 PM
I voted too. Hot dog, and I even knew some of the names though they are now all lost to the fog of time, and it's only been a couple weeks. Having nominees post info here would be great. Along with 4C's, the several candidates I know are also involved in Computers and Writing, another off-shoot of the C's.
For those who don't know, Sharon is the past TYCA pres as well! and she hails from TYCA-PNW. If you're in or around Oregon come October 13/14, drop by our conference in Salem. You can find more info at
Posted by: bradley | August 30, 2006 at 10:03 PM